Cane Yeary

PRESIDENT 2022-2023

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Cane Yeary

President 2022-2023

102nd President’s Message

I am honored to serve as the 102nd president of the Lufkin Host Lions Club and am so thankful to all the men who came before us that worked diligently to establish such a well-rounded and solid club that effortlessly serves our community. I joined the Lions Club twelve years ago and have had the privilege of serving the club in many different roles. I have thoroughly enjoyed my service in the Lions Club as a member of the Rodeo Board and Z&OO Railroad Board.

The most rewarding part of being a member of the Lions Club is the multiple opportunities I get to work alongside you, my fellow Lions, to serve our extra ordinary community of Lufkinites. Since 1920, the Lions have been serving the community through many community service opportunities and building projects. The Z&OO Railroad and the Angelina Benefit Rodeo are two of our biggest fundraisers. The Z&OO train is a renowned part of the rich culture of Lufkin and is a popular destination for many in and around our community.

The train began as a dream of one of our members, Dr. George Thannisch, in 1970 and rapidly transformed into a major fundraiser for the Lions Club.

Many generations of locals have had the honor of experiencing the Z&OO train and hold fond childhood memories of their exciting ride around the zoo and beautiful Ellen Trout Lake. For more than 60 years, the Angelina Benefit Rodeo has been raising funds to support local charitable organizations such as the State Supported Living Center. One of my most memorable experiences has been working with the State Supported Living Center in years past and getting to know the Rodeo Hero each year.

The Lions Club motto is “We Serve” and it is an honor to be able to do that with each of you. Serving with friends makes contributing our time and effort even more enjoyable. I am grateful for each Lufkin Host Lion and the positive impact you are making on our community through your time and dedication.
It is an honor and privilege to serve as president of one of the most remarkable clubs in the state of Texas, The Lufkin Host Lions Club. I am looking forward to a great year of serving our community with you.
Thank you,
Cane Yeary